Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Netta Training Drills

Small bean bags to throw

Get girls to stand in a circle. Start with 2 bean bags. Throw the bags to each other across the circle. Gradually add more bean bags so only 4 players don’t have one. Throw the bags to each other at about shoulder height.

Skills – ☻Hand / eye coordination
☻Keep eyes up
☻Defending the ball (bean bag) using hands when more than one bag is thrown at them.
☻Peripheral vision
☻Not ducking.

Dodging and Pivoting

4 markers per group
groups of 4 or 5

Line markers up, evenly spaced (about 1metre apart)
Players weave in and out of markers, pushing of the outside foot when changing direction. When they get to the end the player goes around the last marker and faces back to the group then repeats the weaving to get back to there group. Go to the end of the line. Repeat until all players have had at least 2 turns.


All players in a line
Markers about 10 metres away
Players are to run at ¾ speed to marker, pivot on one foot and run back to the start, pivot on other foot then stop, ready to start again.

Movement and decision making.

All players start on the base line.
Coach is in the middle of the court.
Couch calls out instructions for what movements players to do – left, right, forward, backward, up (jump), down (touch the ground).
Players move around the court following coaches instructions until coach says stop.


Shadow defending- This is were 2 players stand together, one player is to make the moves and the other player is to copy the movement.
1 Have players face each other. One is the mover, the other is the shadower.
2 Have players facing the same way. The player that is behind is the mover and the front player is the shadower.

This builds defending skills for following their opposition players on court and to stay in a front defending position using their peripheral vision to follow opposition player.

Throwing / Catching

1 ball between 2 players
Players are to stand in 2 even lines facing each other.

Throw the ball to each other
Chest pass
Shoulder pass - right
Shoulder pass – left
Bounce pass

1 Ball each

Stand on the spot, toss the ball in the air as high as possible:-
Catch the ball before it bounces
Touch the ground and catch the ball
Spin around and catch
Clap and catch

1 Ball between to players

Player 1 holds the ball out in front at chest height. Player 2 stands arms length away and has hands at the side.
Player 1 drops the ball, player 2 catches the ball before it bounces.

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