Sunday, August 13, 2006

Using Hooler hoops.

2 hooler hoops
2 lines of players
Bean bags.

1. Have the players line up behind each other. Place hoop about 5 metres away from the starting player. One player at a time is to run to the hoop and land with one foot inside the hooler hoop. The landing foot in the hoop is the pivoting foot. The other foot is not allowed inside the hooler hoop. Pivot around to face the line then run back to the end of the line.

2. Set up as above.
Have the player run to the hoop and land with both feet in the hoop. They are to choose a pivoting foot and then pivot (as above) to face the line and then run back to the end of the line.

3. Set up as above
Each line has 1 been bag.
First player is to run to the hooler hoop and bend down and place the been bag in the hoop. Next player is to run to the hooler hoop and pick up the bean bag and run back to the line and give to the next player.

Players are to alternate the direction that they pivot.
Players are to alternate the pivot foot.
Players need to have their eyes up at all times
Add a ball to the drill. – As the player lands in the hoop they are to catch a ball.

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